President and Sister Dunn

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

A Glimpse of a Transfer Morning

Cars start arriving and banners set up for our 19th transfer to begin.
Elder Pickup as our trusty Assistant helps guide our new missionaries through an office orientation.
We take pictures of each of the Elders as they arrive for our green board.

Picking them up at the MTC is a fun part of the day and starts us off at 7 am.

The long walk across the parking lot.

This is a much anticipated day for all of us.

We start by welcoming them all in the office.

Elder Pickup explains the quick rotations we will be doing with each senior couple and President and Sister Dunn. Everyone comes back on Thursday for a more in-depth orientation. So, today they can relax and just get a chance to meet everyone.

Sister Dunn hands each Elder their own green binder with lots of information about the mission for them to skim before our Thursday Orientation.
Sister Wells gives everyone the emergency contact information and goes shows them our supply lists and cleaning expectations.
We show them the mission board and their new companion.
Sister Larson is a great greeter!
There is always a smile and a welcoming hand from Elder Larson.

Elder Wells shares much needed info about phones and flats and is so helpful and skilled when it comes to maintaining and repairing all the flats.

Sister Wells is the mission secretary and greets them all with a warm smile and friendly help!

Elder Weg is ready for the day.

Elders Wolfgramm, Broadhead and Lambert

Elder Greener and Elder Dean
The Clegg family arrives in the parking lot for the transfer meeting for their son, Elder Clegg. Special day for them!

It is so special to meet the parents of our missionaries. The Clegg's have been so fun to be in touch with throughout Elder  Clegg's mission. It is so fun to have finally met them.
Elder Lefthand, Elder Nelson, and Elder Todd

Elder Mbiriwiri, Elder Chakanyuka, Elder Jorgensen, ELder Kuyangepi, Elder Ratismbazafy, Elder Valikoula, Elder Ahomhe'e
Beautiful morning for Elders Musiiwa, Elder Sousa, Elder Bonifaz and Elder Ratsimbazafy
Elder Avarell, Elder Kuwhela, Elder Martinho, Elder Ebite, Elder Luweire

Elder Furgeson and Elder Tima
Elder Broadhead and Elder Rouse

Elders Wride, Lambert, Reid, Wardle, Wegrowski, Carr and Turaiskiis
One of our famous close up photos! Elder Wegrowski gets captured.

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