President and Sister Dunn

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Zone Conference June 2016 2/2

Day 2 started off a little cooler- but so nice to offer both conferences this time in the same location.  In the pst we have traveled to other stake centers and yet it is so convenient for everyone to gather at the mission office and Roodepoort Chapel.

Bedfordview Zone
R-L Elder Rouse, Elder Magesi, Elder Rakotaorison, Elder Mpiyakhe, Elder Kwhela, Elder Zitumane, Elder West, Elder Ebite, Elder Downs, Elder Luweire, Elder Avarell, Elder Murwira, Elder Martinho, Elder Masiya, Elder Shava, Elder Randirianandrasana, Elder Mugenyi
President and Sister Dunn
Benoni Zone
L- R President Dunn, Elder Gramu, Elder Reynolds, Elder Nielsen, Elder Reynolds, Elder Valikoula, Elder mbiriwiri, Elder Allen, Elder De La Cruz, Elder Malunga, Elder Derera, Elder Dionisiu, Elder Kuyangepi, Elder Bergman, Elder Shamanga, Elder Bakes, Elder Tinarua, Sister Dunn
Front row: Elder 'Ahome'e, Elder Jennings, Elder Mapenda, Elder Adams, Elder McCartney, Elder Wikaria
Centurion Zone
President Dunn, Elder Musiiwa, Elder Benson, Elder Smalley, Elder Thompson, Elder Turauskiis, Elder Wride, Elder Jorgensen, Elder Manuma, Elder Chingomanje, Elder Lefthand, Elder Souza, Elder Swindlehurst, Elder WEg, Elder Clegg, Sister Dunn
Front Row: Elder kei, Elder Samuel
Johannesburg Zone
President Dunn, Elder Dean, Elder Dube, Elder Mamhere, Elder Pickup, Elder Tekurio, Elder Furgeson, Elder Stevenson, Elder Kufoalor, Elder Flack, Elder Warnock, Elder Weidmann, Elder Mavuso, Sister Dunn

Role playing companions hip study is always a good way to identify what we can do to improve it's effectiveness. Here Elder De la Cruz and Elder Allen show us what NOT to do!

The Elder Dube and Elder Tekurio give us good examples of effective nightly planning that results in better companionship study the following day.


The Well's and the Larsen's do such a great job serving up with a smile. We so appreciate their great efforts to do so many things behind the scenes to prepare. 

More great candids! Elder Tekurio, Stevenson and Kufoalor.
Last testimonies and last time singing the mission song in a big group. Elder Swindlehurst, Clegg, Downs and McCartney.

Elders A'home'e, Elder Rako and Elder Mamhere

Elder Downs and Elder Mugenyi

Elder Kei trying out his new bike

Elder Shava and Elder Mamhere

Elders Allen, Furgeson and Turauskiis

Elders Mbiriwiri, Kuyangepi and Dionisiu

Elders Rouse, Bakes, Wride, Malunga and Thompson

New bikes awaiting new owners
Thanks to Elder Larsen, the Elders are getting new bikes kits to clean, repair and take care of their new bikes. We are increasing in numbers of mission bikes and decreasing our car fleet.
Great day for all!
We appreciate Elder Larsen and all he does to keep the fleet of cars running smoothly. This is such a classic picture of him.


  1. I'm so in love with this blog ! πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

  2. Thank you Sister Dunn - we love seeing what our son is doing! We contacted the other Reynolds family this week, they have raised an amazing son.

    Keith and Beverley Reynolds
