Singing happy birthday |
Elder Kairu and Elder Smith are the leaders of this great zone The service begins while the interviews take place! |
Elder Kwabaisi and Elder Quigley getting ironed shirts ready for the MTC. |
Elder Brown helps with the process. These Elders are good at ironing shirts perfectly! |
Elder Taylor is quite the cornbread chef! |
Elder Thompson whipped up his muffins quickly and now washing all his dishes. Impressive! |
Elder Silvester and Elder Deichman serving in the missionary room. They had fun while they were at it! |
Elder Kwabaisi and Elder Quigley using their musical talents to serve! |
Next group: Elder Pedersen makes a mean cornbread muffin. |
Elder Graham and Elder Majozi unwrap and iron new shirts for the MTC to give to Elders needing more clothing. |
Elder Bergman taking time to offer service by giving thanks. |
Elder Dean hard at work mixing up muffins |
Elder Mukasa also writing some notes today. |
Elder Mdletshe and Elder Robins cleaning up the fall leaves, keeping the mission home clean. |
A new cat in the house is keeping an eye on everyone. |
♥ it. Thanks for keeping a blog. I love reading it.