President and Sister Dunn

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

P-day Soccer with President Dunn!

Every Monday around noon, the Elders start showing up around the office for some organized sports!  We have ssen them come in their p-day clothes and they have inquired when President Dunn is going to join them on the field for a little soccer or rugby.  He has told them he will, and so they came knocking last week and he was able to  play with them.  *We love Elder Raymond's personalized Joburg mission shirt that his uncle made for him.  We want one for everyone!!:)
So, on Monday September 22nd, our Elders came requesting for President Dunn to take a lunch break and play a little soccer with them. He had mentioned last week that he would like to play sometime. They held him to it and came knocking in the mission office on Monday. So, President Dunn came home and quickly changed and tried to run with the best of them. (UL)  A beautiful spring day and a pack of eager Elders made for a fun P-day activity. In addition to soccer, Elder Raymond and Batrendse (UR) showed up and brought a rugby ball and insisted on a battle after the soccer. No injuries reported and good times for all. Elder Roybal (LL) was a formidable keeper and  Elder Max (LR) showed his soccer prowess throughout the match.

L to R: Elders: Going, Stanley, Carpenter, Pius, Stapley, Wilkinson, Dutson,                         President Dunn, Dye,  Raymond, Fidel, Stephens 
Ground L to R, Dlamini, Davies, Max, Roybal, Stilgoe, Adjin


  1. Love this! You are the BEST Bro and Sis Mission President ever! Thanks for taking such good care of our boys! Our family prays for you two each day. What great memories you are making for these young men.

  2. Fun to have another Elder Stapley sighting! What a good sport President Dunn is, and love his choice of jersey...Go Utes!

  3. This just makes me smile! Awesome mission president..on and off the field!
